Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Himalayan Cat - Teddy is a Flame Point Himalayan

A Himilayan Cat is a wonderful pet. Teddy is a Flame Point Himalayan Cat and is now 17 years old. He is epileptic, but has only had 2 seizures to my knowledge. He is very affectionate ♥, persistent and confident when he wants something. He constantly wants to be pet and cuddled. He is the sweetest cat I have ever owned and I love him dearly.

Himalayan cat sitting in garden chairHere is Teddy, my Himalayan Cat, lounging in his favourite cushion-laden Adirondack Chair.

June, 2007: Teddy and I were in the backyard while the Ontario Hydro was working on the electrical wires. One of the machines they started to use sounded just like a jack hammer. I turned to look at Teddy and his head started to jerk back and forth. I also suspected that loud sequential sounds could trigger a seizure. I ran towards him and about half way there he went into a full seizure, rolled over a plant onto 2 rocks.

I picked him up and took him into the house onto the sofa, talking to him in a soothing voice to reassure him and stroking him gently. The vet said not to stick fingers in his mouth. The seizure lasted only 2 minutes. When he pulls out he lets out these little meows that sounds to me like "What happened to me?". Poor thing.

One afternoon my husband, and I were out in the backyard talking to our neighbour when a Canada Goose flew overhead - probably 20 feet above our heads. Well Teddy must have had a hankering for goose, took a good run and then leaped into the air but then suddenly landed into the side of the fence. Good try Teddy and A for effort; points off for depth perception though!

Flame point himalayan catMy Himalayan Cat sitting in our Garden.

Kitty Cab Chronicles Part I
I just need to get some sleep!

While I praise Teddy 'my beautiful cat' to the hilt, now, there was a time, believe it or not, when he was a kitten. Ah kittens are so cute you say, except the 'Kitten from Hell'! In the middle of the night Teddy would get on top of the headboard and then jump on my chest. Needless to say, this is an extremely startling thing to happen to you when you're sleeping. He did this so often, that I wasn't getting enough sleep and was coming down with colds all the time.

I put an ad in the paper to sell him. When I finally got an interested caller, I just couldn't do it. One friend said, he must have read the ad in the paper and decided to behave himself.

He wasn't six months old yet, so I had to wait before he could be neutered. I purchased a kitty cab and at night that's where he slept. He didn't like sleeping in the kitty cab. I'd yell "fish" around 11 at night and he'd run into the kitchen (where the kitty cab was kept) and in he went. He fell for it every night - LOL. We both slept finally! Once he was neutered he calmed right down and the kitty cab was put in storage.

It's a Tough Life
being a Pussycat

Teddy got his Lion Cut in late May. The first time I had him shaved my friends look at me in horror. "How could you do this to your cat?", and I replied, "he loves it". Teddy 17 now, hard to believe - yes he's kept his svelt 10 pound weight. He really does love getting all that fur trimmed off and he can enjoy the summer heat better!

He has also been on special diets (that have changed over the years, as appropriate) from the Vet and I think that is why he has done so well, ie. he doesn't appear to have arthritis. Teddy asks "But why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food? Afterall, it's more natural."

The ladies at the Vet's office just love Teddy. He is one of two cats that does not need to be put under in order to be shaved, because he is so sweet-tempered ♥
and does not claw or bite the ladies.

The Vet's Receptionist mentionned her sister had a Flame Point Himalayan and said it was a female, full grown, weighed 6 pounds and was stand-offish. I think it also depends on how you raise and treat your cat. All my cats have been considerate, gentle and affectionate!

Most of the time he likes to sleep on a shady deck chair provided there's a comfortable cushion on it - comfortable enough for a pussy cat that is.

Teddy my himalayan cat sleeping in chair
Did I mention Himalayan Cats like soft comfy garden chairs?

Himalayan cat "lion cut": In this cut - which should be done by a professional groomer experienced with long-haired cats - the body fur is shaved. Generally the fur around the ruff and on the tail is left long, making the kitty look like he has a lion's mane. While some cats take the shave as an affront to their dignity, others enjoy their warm-weather fashion. Here are some pics of Himalayans with the Lion Cut.

Himalayan Cat Lion Cut

Teddy thinking to himself!
"I am convinced the other captives are flunkies and maybe snitches. The dog is routinely released and seems more than happy to return. He is obviously a half-wit.

The Bird on the other hand has got to be an informant. He has mastered their frightful tongue (something akin to mole speak) and speaks with them regularly. I am certain he reports my every move. Due to his current placement in the metal room his safety is assured. But I can wait. It is only a matter of time."

Himalayan cat in windowHimalayan Cats are very curious and love to sit in windows.

Kitty Cab Chronicles - Part II
We're off to see the Vet - hi ho!

Teddy doesn't like the kitty cab, riding in the car, or going to the Vet, no ifs, ands, or buts.

The morning we're going to the Vet I get the kitty cab out from the basement and hide it in the den, because if he sees the cab he'll get suspicious and maybe will crawl under a bed.

Once I'm ready to go, I'll grab Teddy and try to get him in thru the cab door. What he tries to do is splay all four paws out (kinda like Wiley Coyote) to prevent being put in. So I tilt the cab up and gravity gives me a hand.

When we get to the Vet he won't come out of the cab and usually the Vet suspends the cab on an angle while I pull him out, as he is now using his paws, Wiley Coyote style, to stay in the cab.

You'd thing he'd be a Vet's nightmare, but is perfectly terrified and co-operative at the same time; that's how I like my men!

If I have to leave him there for a few hours I usually take the cab and return later. When the technician brings Teddy out - now he walks right into the kitty cab -no problems.

Once we get home and in the door, he's batting at the cab door to get out asap.

kitty lounger
I can visualize Teddy luxuriously lounging in this 'kitty cat lounger'!

How to Give a Cat a Pill
aka howtogiveacatapill!

1. Grasp cat firmly in your arms. Cradle its head on your elbow, just as if you were giving baby a bottle. Coo confidently, "Thats a nice kitty." Drop pill into its mouth.

2. Retrieve cat from top of lamp and pill from under sofa.

3. Follow same procedure as in 1, but hold cat's front paws down with left hand and back paws down with elbow of right arm. Poke pill into its mouth with right forefinger.

4. Retrieve cat from under bed. Get new pill from bottle. (Resist impulse to get new cat.)

5. Again proceed as in 1, except when you have cat firmly cradled in bottle-feeding position, sit down on edge of chair, fold your torso over cat, bring your right hand over your left elbow, open cat's mouth by lifting the upper jaw and pop the pill in - quickly. Since your head is down by your knees, you won't be able to see what you're doing. That's just as well.

6. Leave cat hanging on drapes. Leave pill in your hair.

7. If you're a woman, have a good cry. If you're a man, have a good cry.

Cat driving; going to Vet to get tutored or neutered

8. Now pull yourself together. Who's the boss here anyway? Retrieve cat and pill. Assuming position 1, say sternly, "Who's the boss here, anyway?" Open cat's mouth, take pill and...Oooops!

9. This isn't working, is it? Collapse and think. Aha! Those flashing claws are causing the chaos.

10. Crawl to linen closet. Drag back large beach towel. Spread towel on floor.

11. Retrieve cat from kitchen counter and pill from potted plant.

12. Spread cat on towel near one end with its head over long edge.

13. Flatten cat's front and back legs over its stomach. (Resist impulse to flatten cat.)

14. Roll cat in towel. Work fast; time and tabbies wait for no man-or woman.

15. Resume position 1. Rotate your left hand to cat's head. Press it's mouth at the jaw hinges like opening the petals of a snapdragon.

16. Drop pill into cat's mouth and poke gently. Voila! It's done.

17. Vacuum up loose fur (cat's). Apply bandages to wounds (yours).

18. Take two aspirins and lie down.

There's nothing cuter than a Himalayan Cat in a grocery bag!

Himalayan cat in grocery bag


Teddy for years has not tolerating me grooming him until about the last year. Since he's gotten older he wants constant fondling and likes it when I brush him with a Black Comb - yes, after all the gadget brushes I bought him, he only likes a plain black comb.

lint roller cat

I think he might take a hankering to this 'lint brush roller' technique - I'll let you know.

Cute Cat Pictures:

cat paranoia
What you don't trust me anymore, mon cherie!

Cats sitting in a row with a spy dog

dog sitting on cat's head
Dogs can be so insulting.

thirsty cat
Thirsty Cat!

Pics of other Himalayan Flame Point Cats

While I praise Teddy to the hilt, now, there was a time, believe it or not, when he was the 'Kitten for Hell'. Ah kittens are so cute you say, except the 'Kitten from Hell'! In the middle of the night Teddy would get on top of the headboard and then jump on my chest. Needless to say, this is an extremely startling thing to happen to you when you're sleeping. He did this so often, that I wasn't getting enough sleep and was coming down with colds all the time.

I put an ad in the paper to sell him. When I finally got an interested caller, I just couldn't do it. One friend said, he must have read the ad in the paper and decided to behave himself.

He wasn't six months old yet, so I had to wait before he could be neutered. I purchased a kitty cab and at night that's where he slept. He didn't like sleeping in the kitty cab. I'd yell "fish" around 11 at night and he'd run into the kitchen (where the kitty cab was kept) and in he went. He fell for it every night - LOL. We both slept finally! Once he was neutered he calmed right down and the kitty cab was put in storage.

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